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AI-powered State Court Research & Analytics Platform

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See How trellis Can Super Charge Your Decision-Making 

Save time while finding public safety rulings & motions in state court

Find similar cases involving law enforcement filtered by parties, counsel, court or matter type

Quickly understand the threshold and elements of each claim connected to private investigations

Single interface to help you search state court dockets

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Experience the most powerful legal research and analytics platform designed specifically for state court litigators.

Powerful Features & Benefits in One Easy-To-Use-Application

Aggregate Trial Court Data & Judicial Rulings

Research Opposing Counsel & Prospective Clients

Gather all public safety rulings in one place, search by judge topic and county, and analyze each judge’s temperament, favorite citations and likelihood of granting motions. Quickly analyze whether you should "ding" your judge based on past rulings on similar matters.

Gain valuable insights on how opposing counsel positioned public safety issues in the past. Learn about litigation history, including past judges and counsel, to boost or jumpstart investigations.

Robust Motion & Issues Library

Judge Biographies

Quickly learn about public safety motions and see common examples of state court judges ruling on those motions. Have your counsel write better motions in less time by using prior rulings on a particular matter.

See career history, political affiliation, clerk and filing contact info, links to local/department rules along with courtroom procedural and evidentiary guidelines. Quickly learn about various motions and see common examples of state court judges ruling on those motions.

Benefit three

”Google-like” State Trial Court Keyword Search

Analytics & Judicial Strategy Reports

Common trial court keyword search terms supported include: parties, court, legal issue, judge, motion type, and even opposing counsel. Search state court dockets for public safety cases through a single interface to research your legal issue quickly and understand the threshold and elements of each claim.

Compare each judge’s tendencies against county and state averages for actionable strategic data that can be leveraged during investigations. Understand exactly how your judge rules on the most important pre-trial motions.

“From boutique litigation practices to the largest defense firms, managing partners acknowledge the benefits to both their team and their clients that Trellis’ Legal Intelligence Platform provides, as well as their ethical duty to leverage every research tool to best advocate for their clients. While Trellis may not replace the need for traditional legal research at the appellate level, it is undoubtedly possible that Trellis will quickly become the standard of care for when case research and strategy begins.”

 -- Chelsey Lambert, Editor-In-Chief, Lex Tech Review

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